Update DB node for fail-over
This page will guide you step by step how to update the data base host name of a Power-center 9.x for Fail-over
STEP 1: Shut down the node that you want to modify.
STEP 2: Run one of the the following commands to update the host name:
Note: Update the parameters in between the <>. All other entries must remain the same.
$INFA_HOME/isp/bin/infasetup.sh UpdateGatewayNode -cs “jdbc:informatica:oracle://<DB vip alias name>:<DB port>;ServiceName= <Service name>;AlternateServers = (<Second DB vip alias name>:<Second DB port>); Load Balancing=true” -du <Domain User> -dp <Domain Password> -dt oracle -dn <Domain Name> -rst
STEP 3: Start up your node.
Some additional information.
- To change the hostname for other nodes, follow the same command according to gateway node or worker node.
- There is no need to take a backup of domain metadata and change the hostname there.
- Once the infasetup.sh UpdateGatewayNode is run, the hostname changes in the nodemeta.xml and when PowerCenter domain is started, it synchronizes the new host to the domain database. Thus, the hostname in the database will automatically change to the new one.
- Configuration on PowerCenter Client can be updated with Domain Configuration through the PowerCenter Repository Manager > File menu.