Informatica naming Conventions best practice.

This page will show you the recommended best practice of Informatica naming Conventions option,
please note, it does not obligate you to use it in your organisation.

Designer Objects Naming

The following tables illustrate some naming conventions for mapping objects (e.g., sources, targets, joiners, lookups, etc.) and workflow-related tasks. You may choose to make the prefixes all lower case:
Designer Objects Suggested Naming Conventions
Mappingm_{TARGET_NAME} or suffix with _{descriptor} if there are multiple mappings for that single target table
Mapplet mplt_{DESCRIPTION}
This naming convention should only occur within a mapping as the actual target name object affects the actual table that PowerCenter will access. E.g. if the target name is Account and we are inserting records then the target name should be ACCOUNT_Ins. Abreviations should be Ins, Del, Upd.
Aggregator Transformationagg_{FUNCTION} that leverages the expression and/or a name that describes the processing being done.
Application Source Qualifier Transformationasq_{TRANSFORMATION} _{SOURCE_TABLE1}_{SOURCE_TABLE2} represents data from application source.
Custom Transformationct_{TRANSFORMATION} name that describes the processing being done.
Data Quality Transformidq_{descriptor}_{plan} with the descriptor describing what this plan is doing with the optional plan name included if desired.
Expression Transformationexp_{FUNCTION} that leverages the expression and/or a name that describes the processing being done.
External Procedure Transformationext_{PROCEDURE_NAME}
Filter Transformationfil_{FUNCTION} that leverages the expression or a name that describes the processing being done.
Flexible Target Keyfkey{descriptor}
Idoc Interpreteridoci_{Descriptor}_{IDOC Type} defining what the idoc does and possibly the idoc message.
Idoc Prepare idocp_{Descriptor}_{IDOC Type} defining what the idoc does and possibly the idoc message.
Java Transformationjv_{FUNCTION} that leverages the expression or a name that describes the processing being done.
Joiner Transformationjnr_{DESCRIPTION}
Lookup Transformationlkp_{TABLE_NAME} or suffix with _{descriptor} if there are multiple look-ups on a single table. For unconnected look-ups, use ULKP in place of LKP.
Mapplet Input Transformationmplti_{DESCRIPTOR} indicating the data going into the mapplet.
Mapplet Output Transformationmplto_{DESCRIPTOR} indicating the data coming out of the mapplet.
MQ Source Qualifier Transformationmqsq_{DESCRIPTOR} defines the messaging being selected.
Normalizer Transformationnrm_{FUNCTION} that leverages the expression or a name that describes the processing being done.
Rank Transformationrnk_{FUNCTION} that leverages the expression or a name that describes the processing being done.
Router Transformationrtr_{DESCRIPTOR}
SAP DMI Preparedmi_{Entity Descriptor}_{Secondary Descriptor} defining what entity is being loaded and a secondary description if multiple DMI objects are being leveraged in a mapping.
Sequence Generator Transformationseq_{DESCRIPTOR} if using keys for a target table entity, then refer to that
Sorter Transformationsrt_{DESCRIPTOR}
Source Qualifier Transformationsq_{Schema Name}_{SOURCE_TABLE1}_{SOURCE_TABLE2}. Using all source tables can be impractical if there are a lot of tables in a source qualifier, so refer to the type of information being obtained, for example a certain type of product SQ_SALES_INSURANCE_PRODUCTS.
Source Definition Object{sc}_{SchemaName}_{TableName} e.g. sc_Clarity_CLARITY_BED
Stored Procedure Transformationsp_{STORED_PROCEDURE_NAME}
Transaction Control Transformationtct_{DESCRIPTOR} indicating the function of the transaction control.
Union Transformationun_{DESCRIPTOR}
Unstructured Data Transformudo_{descriptor} with the descriptor identifying the kind of data being parsed by the UDO transform.
Update Strategy Transformationupd_{UPDATE_TYPE(S)} or UPD_{UPDATE_TYPE(S)}_{TARGET_NAME} if there are multiple targets in the mapping. E.g., UPD_UPDATE_EXISTING_EMPLOYEES
Web Service Consumerwsc_{descriptor}
XML Generator Transformationxmg_{DESCRIPTOR}defines the target message.
XML Parser Transformationxmp_{DESCRIPTOR}defines the messaging being selected.
XML Source Qualifier Transformationxmsq_{DESCRIPTOR}defines the data being selected.

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